Sunday, April 30, 2006

The World Wide Blog

The other day I looked at a friend's blog and they had some links to some other blogs of people that I know. And those people has other links to more blogs of people I know, and so on. Apparently there are a lot of people that I know that have blogs....

Endsville Flask, dgoerz, Nicolette, Ange "the cat" Mandel, Tim&Robyn, bronnyblog, Fat Tony, Any Janzen, Seto Safari, The Nesdolys, The Bakers, Cara, Kathy, The Englers, Julene Indonesia, Rebekah Janzen, Steve & Carolyn, Steve Klassen, The Harnetts, The Thoutenhoofds

And those are just the people that I know (or have met at least once in real life). There are a few more of people that I don't really know.

After reading a lot of blogs, and keeping one myself, I thought I would share my take on blogs:

Blogging is kinda fun because you can write about life (like a diary) but other people can read it and keep up to date on what is going on in your life (general or personal). To an extent, what and how you write will determine your audience, which could be thousands of people, or maybe it's just your mom. It has a different feel than email, but it serves a different purpose. Emailing 100 people you know, to tell them about your latest adventure, is not a good idea if only 10 of those people really care. And it sucks if there are 30 people who do care, that are not on your email list! But if you blog it then anyone that is interested can check out your blog when they want, if they want.

Everyone has the right (freedom) to keep a blog. Different people use blogs for different purposes.

Category #1: I think the best use of a blog is to keep friends and family up to date when you don't live in the same town. It is also an easy way to share pictures, and it doesn't plug up anyone's email box. I see a lot of young families doing this and I think it's great. Their audience is mostly family but it allows friends to have a peek into their lives too.

Category #2: Then there are the people that blog about their life but their audience seems to be their friends, who live in the same town as them. I'm not sure what purpose that serves. I would rather talk to my friends in person, than blog it and hope they read it. Get off the computer and get out and socialize! I scratch my head on those blogs, but maybe they are in category #3.

Category #3: Then there are the people that like to write, and would be keeping a journal or diary anyway. But they have decided to let others look in on their life. They aren't writing for anyone but themselves. So if you read their blog, you get what you get. I can respect that. Some people just have a lot of thoughts and need to get them written out. Some of the thoughts are really good, and I'm glad they are willing to share them.

I think I fit into categories 1 and 3. My friends and family are spread out so this blog allows me to reach a lot of people really easily. I think I also fit somewhat into category #3. I want a record for myself of all the things I experience, yet I am glad that there is an audience that enjoys what I write. It encourages me to write more.


Zenith27 said...

You're also a 4. Someone who doesn't update his blog FREQUENTLY ENOUGH!

Alvin & Denise Engler said...

hey, i agree 1 and 3 are the best reasons to blog, but 2 is sometimes the best one can do with a young family... seems like someone is always napping and it's difficult to get out of the house to socialize! glad to have chatted in church and hear about your blog. i'll look forward to reading more. :)