Thursday, February 09, 2006

Spiritual Update

If you have been keeping up with my blogs, you may have noticed a lack of spiritual entries. It would seem ironic, since I am on a "missions" trip. The truth is, I don't feel any more spiritual here than I do at home. I write about my experiences. Currently my experiences are more comparing and contrasting Thai culture to Western culture. I'm sure God is teaching me things. But recently I haven't had any major revelations in my daily devotions.

One thing that I have started doing consistantly is bowing my head and praying before every meal. So often I have prayed in my head as I started to eat the meal, or just skipped praying altogether. I have been convicted that if I can't do that simple act, I must be embarassed or ashamed to show my Christianity. But I need to be unashamed of that which I believe. And part of that is through prayer. Not to mention that the food here actually needs praying for! You never know if the next meal is going to make you sick. So far so good, but I'm not taking any more chances.

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