Thursday, August 16, 2007

Our cat is on the pill

Ok, well not THE pill, but a pill, about the size of a capital O. Our cat is a teenager in human years, and in his declining years he was diagnosed as having Hyperthyroid. I don't know exactly what that means. But basically, if he doesn't get his pill twice a day, he starts meowing a LOT, and that becomes very annoying. So we must feed him this little pill to keep him from going crazy. I call it his sanity pill.

A tip for those who have to medicate their cats: My brilliant mother, determined that our cat likes strawberry yogurt. So twice a day we crush the pill and mix it into the yogurt (a very small amount of yogurt mind you, it barely covers the surface of the spoon). The cat thinks he's getting a treat and we know that he will be sane for at least 12 more hours.

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