Friday, March 03, 2006

Living in an Orphanage

Well I'm not really an orphan, and it really isn't an orphanage...yet. But I'm living in an orphanage. Team 2000 and TLC Church have been working on a project to start an AIDS orphanage. If you know Ricky and Karen Sanchez, you may also know that they were in Canada for 4 months last year, doing almost nothing but fundraising for this orphanage. It worked, they raised over $100,000 USD (which is staggering when you turn it into Baht). Now the process has started and it is just a matter of logistics, setting up and running an orphanage.

The current situation is that they do not yet have any AIDS orphans, however, they do have a townhouse rented and partially furnished. But until the rest of the logistics work themselves out, I will be living there. It is more room than I need, and it is definitely more room than the 1 room apartment I was sharing with two other guys from the TREK team. Now I've got a king size bed, the room has A/C and a large front deck. It is unlikely I will be there when the orphanage gets going. (I am not a caretaker, and that is not why I'm here anyway). But I think I finally have a place to call my own, for now.

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