Wednesday, November 19, 2008


The previous owners of the townhouse in which I now reside, moved out and didn't tell a soul. As a result, I still get their mail, and I get a lot of it. Everything from bills to gov't cheques, I get it all....And I write "Moved, Return To Sender" and put it back in the mailbox, again and again. It's been 9 months now and I'm still receiving on average 3 pieces of their mail per week.

Wing Hong Chau, if you're out there...I'm still getting your mail. Canada Post would be happy to forward your mail to your new address for a modest fee. Please Mr. Chau, I'm getting tired of this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! Jon, you've made my day! If I laugh any louder, I'll wake the kids! LOL again and again and again. Somehow the last paragraph set me laughing. I'm going to jiggle the bed all night!