Part of the festivities of Songkran in Bang Saen involves building sand castles on the beach. Man there must have been about 50 of them. They looked really nice, like they were professional or something--and maybe some were. But I was told that they build the structures out of wood and then spray the sand on. Once you know that dirty little secret, then they aren't quite as awe inspiring. Some of the sculptures were obvious works of art (there are some things you can't fake with wood), and other sculptures were perfect--a little too perfect. Something that is truly made of sand should not contain screw heads.
As creative as each sculpture was, they really weren't thinking outside the box. The monument theme got old fast, and they always included something from Buddhism (the face of Buddha, sculptures of Buddha, spirit houses, etc). The sand castle competition in Harrison every year is WAY better. But hey, it was free and it was still better than I could do. Check out my pics for more.
There used to be a sandcastle competition in Parksville until Port Alberni teens caused a riot and it was forever banned. I was there to represent. Booya!
Indeed. Check out my Harrison pics Here.
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