Hello all. I thought you might be encouraged to hear the testimonies of a husband and wife who recently became believers. They are members of an AIDS chruch called Bet L, and they were baptized in the ocean today.
Kwan (wife): I first heard about Jesus when I was in the hospital being treated for AIDS I was laying in bed and a nurse came and shared the Story of Jesus’ love and forgiveness of my sins. I was very interested in knowing more about Jesus so I went to Church in Bet “L” . I gave my life to Christ that Saturday. After I became a Christian, my life and my health changed dramatically. I never had to stay in the hospital again after that. My first husband died of AIDS but when I started going to the Bet “L” church and receiving medicine, I met another man with HIV and fell in love with him. After we were married, my husband became very sick. The Doctors told me that because his lungs were full of water and he could not go the bathroom anymore, that it was a 50/50 percent chance that he would live. That day, I laid my hand on my husband’s swollen stomach and began to sing and worship God. I cried out for God to heal my husband. In the evening my husband suddenly had to go to the bathroom. All his swelling went down and he was greatly relieved! The next day, the doctors examined him and were surprised to see that all his symptoms were gone. Apart from HIV, he healthy again and was told he could go home immediately!
Phuak (Husband): One day I met a friend in the hospital with HIV who told me about Jesus. She said, “If you believe in Jesus, you’re life will change” I had no other hope in life so I prayed and gave me life to Christ. I was very addicted to alcohol. The Doctors had told me to stop many times because it was so hard on my sick body. But I couldn’t stop drinking no matter how hard I tried. One day after I prayed to God, I went out and got very drunk and fell down. That next Saturday, I went to church and told them my struggle. I asked them to pray for me to be able to stop. Many people came around me, laid hands on me and prayed for me. After that day, I have never drunk again. I thank God for freeing me from the bondage to alcohol! Before I believed in Jesus I was so sick but after I believed he healed me so much that I was able to go and work in a factory. Now for the first time in my life, I have money enough money to live on and take care of my family.
Praise God people are being healed not just physically, but spiritually too!
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