Sunday, July 09, 2006

Floating down the canal

My oh-so-original title basically sums it up. At the end of June, Reg and I decided spontaneously to go to Penticton. More specifically, at 10:00pm Saturday night Reg mentioned his parents were in Penticton for the weekend and I asked him why we were sitting in Abbotsford! So ya, we arrived at 3:30am and stayed with Reg's relatives. Sunday afternoon we were floating down the canal.

It's a great thing to do in summer. I highly recommend it. If you provide your own floaty things and transportation then the ride is totally free. We each had an inner tube and we were both tied to the boat which carried all our worldly possessions. You need to be tied together or you will totally get separated. We were moving along at the pace of a fast walk (5.5km/hr). As to the state of Reg's undress, I'll let you decide.

1 comment:

Reg (LEK) said...

Just so you all know, I had my swim shorts on, lol.
