I like to see what's happening in the world of missions, and to be challenged in my faith. Truth be known, that is not the only reason I go. Part of it is to run into people that I haven't seen in a while, and in some cases, a LONG time.
Sometimes I go past the booths and wish that I was a missionary type person. I wish that I had a desire to tell everyone I met about Jesus. But I "test drove" the missionary life (see Jan-May 2006 blog entries) and I know that I am not cut from the same cloth as those that I met in the mission field. So my calling is a little less exciting. It is to be a "light" in Canada. But I will always support those who are in full time ministry. Those who have committed their life to going into the world to tell those who have never heard about the life that can only be found in Jesus Christ. (And if you are one of those people and would like to know more about my faith in Jesus Christ, please send me an email.)