Friday, June 01, 2007

Hillsong United

My new favorite Christan band is definitely Hillsong United. Their music is well written both musically and lyrically. And all their song's are worship songs and very singable. I realized the other day why I like their music so much. The musical style actually reminds me of Matthew Good's music (my favourite secular artist). So I was thrilled when I found out they were coming to Vancouver.

In May they had an outdoor concert. It was awesome. Great music, and a great message. These guys are all about praising God and seeing people come to Christ. Earlier this year I was at a Jars of Clay concert. That concert was very much about Jars of Clay, who acted like they were all that and a bag of chips, which they weren't. The Hillsong people do not have that arrogance. It was cool to see that.