Sunday, December 03, 2006

Ember Updates

Better late than never. A brief update to the life of Jon for all the EMBER months.

Returned from the New York roadtrip, and would do it all over again.
Hiked up to Chadsey Lake, first with P&B, then solo. It was so beautiful and peaceful, and I have no pictures to prove it.

Bushwacked quite literally for over 1/2 a kilometer with nothing but a GPS that was always cutting out because of the trees. But we made it. Our destination: Wye Lake.
Featured in this photo is yours truely, B and P.

Hot Sproings
Went to some hot springs with some friends and friends of friends. heh heh.
I'm way to lazy to be the 3rd person to write about it when Jess and Reg did such a good job of writing about it (more pics here).

We gots the snow. 13 5/8" to be exact (I don't know what that is in millimeters, like a million). Didn't go to work for 3 days. Woohoo. Then again, I get paid by the hour (so doh!)

It was beautiful and poetic...
Abby had a little snow, its flakes were white as sheeps.
And everywhere Jon usually went, he couldn't because the streets
(were icey and Jon didn't have snow tires on his car).

More Snow!
A couple days after the first dumping we got 4 more inches, and there was much rejoicing.


Jon made a new friend and updated his blog, and there was much rejoicing.

(bonus points to whoever knows the obscure rejoicing reference)